Top 6 Reasons to Purchase a Home Security System

01 Aug
Home Security System

Homes that don’t have security systems are 2.7 times more likely to be targeted by burglars.

Your home is filled with some of the most important things in your life. Your memories, your belongings and of course your family and loved ones. While a homeowners insurance policy will ensure you can afford to replace your belongings and rebuild our home if the worst happens, an alarm system can add an additional layer of security for you and your family.

A security system will constantly keep an eye on your home and alert the authorities if a criminal attempts to break-in. It not only deters theft, it gives you peace of mind when you are away from home.

There are a number of reasons that you should consider installing a security system but here are just a few of the most important:

Keep the Crooks at Bay

Burglars break into a home about every 15 seconds in America according to data from SecurAmerica. FBI data backs up these scary statistics. Roughly 3.7 million break-ins occur every year and almost 75 percent of them happen at personal residences.

While a security system will definitely alert you if an intruder makes their way into your home, its mere presence may deter a crook from making a run at your home. A report called Securing Home and Business” by Simon Hakim and Erwin Blackstone, discovered that homes that don’t have security systems are 2.7 times more likely to be targeted by burglars.

Monitored systems will dispatch the police as soon as the alarm is triggered so you can be sure that help is on the way if your home is burgled.

Lower Your Insurance Premium

Insurance companies love anything that lowers your risk of a claim and a security system will definitely lower your chances of a burglary.

Most insurance companies will offer a discount to homeowners that have a monitored security system installed. The discount will vary by insurer and what type of system you have but look for a 20-25 percent discount.

Carbon Monoxide is a Silent Killer

Carbon monoxide kills over 400 people a year and sends another 20,000 to the emergency room. It is odorless and colorless as well as extremely deadly. Common symptoms include fatigue, headache, dizziness and nausea.

Most modern security system can add a carbon monoxide detector that will sound an alarm if carbon monoxide is detected as well as alert the authorities. The small additional cost is well worth the peace of mind a carbon monoxide detector provides.

A Smoke Detector as Well

Fires are deadly and more common than you would think. According to data from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), there were about 386,999 residential fires in 2014.

Fires can be the result of a number of things but human error, leaving a candle burning, for example are a major cause. Fire damage was related to almost 25 percent of homeowner insurance claims in 2014.

Security systems are usually equipped with detector that will pick up heat and smoke more quickly than a standard smoke detector. They will sound an alarm as well as alert the local authorities, which can result in less damage. The sooner the fire department arrives, the quicker the fire (hopefully) can be contained.

See What’s Going On

Security systems have been a major beneficiary of technology in the last decade. Small cameras that allow you check out your home via your smartphone or computer are common add-ons with most systems. In many cases, you can turn your system on remotely with your smartphone and even lock your doors and adjust the thermostat.

Lights that can be turned on remotely can let you create the illusion that someone is home, even if you are halfway across the country.

Let Your Insurer Know

While the cost of a security system is always an issues (both the installation and monthly fee) the cost will be well worth it if it saves your home or the lives of your loved ones. The discount you receive on your homeowners insurance can help offset some of the cost so make sure you notify your insurance agent when you have your system installed.

As the discount can vary between insurers, it may be a good time to shop your insurance coverage as well. We can help you find a great new policy with a national insurer that offers the protection you need at a price you can afford.


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