Tag Archives: finance

Setting Your Deductibles as High as Possible is a Moneysaver

28 Dec
Moneysaver tips for homeowners and insurance deductibles

When it comes to saving money on your home and auto insurance there is a right way and a wrong way to get the job done. Lowering your coverage levels, which puts your financial future at risk, is always a horrible idea. Adjusting your deductibles, which can result in a significant premium decrease is the […]

Top 3 Reasons to Use Your Emergency fund

27 Oct

The majority of financial experts recommend having at least three to six months’ worth of expenses in an emergency fund in the event you have unexpected expenses that come up. However, once you have your emergency fund set up and funded, you will have to decide what constitutes an emergency and when is it ok […]

Reevaluating Your Insurance Needs After Retirement

24 Mar

Once you hit retirement, everything changes. You may have a new schedule, a new home and location as well as time to pursue your passions instead of worrying about getting to work. One other major change that you should absolutely take care of is your insurance coverage.  While your new lifestyle may make some of […]

Personal Liability Can Be a Lifesaver: What is it?

10 Sep

In many cases, when shopping for a homeowners insurance policy people tend to overlook the personal liability coverage portion of the policy. This can be a dangerous move as personal liability can be a lifesaver in certain situations. If you are shopping for a new homeowners policy, make sure your agent takes the time to […]

These Expenses Hit Retirees Hard

13 Dec
Retirement Couple Enjoying Life!

Retirement budgeting can be a challenge and according to a recent survey unexpected expenses can really throw a wrench into the works. The survey, done by the Society of Actuaries, found that roughly have of retirees in their mid 70’s could not cover an unplanned expense of $10,000. Baby boomers are also having a difficult […]