Replacement Windows – Homeowners Guide

18 Nov

Replacing the windows in your home can not only improve the look and save energy, it can also increase your home’s value. If you are considering putting in new windows, you probably have some questions. In a recent Forbes article, two home renovation experts took the time to answer questions about replacement windows. 

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about replacing the windows in your home.

Q: What’s the best time of year to install replacement windows?

While new windows can be installed during any time of the year, most experts recommend autumn. In much of the country the weather is mild and dry which makes it an excellent time to have the windows of your home removed and replaced.

Winter can often let in too much cold air while summer may result in an uncomfortably hot home while the work is being done. In addition, during summer and winterl you may have to worry about wet weather slowing down the installation. 

Q: What kinds of replacement windows are available?

In most cases, there are two types of windows that are used for replacements. A full frame window is typically used in new construction and renovations. If your current window frames are in poor condition and need to be replaced, you will need to use full frame windows for the replacement, this is the more expensive option when it comes to window replacement.

Insert or pocket windows are the other option. They install directly into your existing window frames. This method is dramatically less expensive, and these windows are available in all sizes and energy efficient ratings. 

Q: How do you know which type of replacement window you need?

In most cases, you can use window inserts, assuming your current window casings are in good condition. Even if they are slightly damaged it is possible to repair the window casings before the window inserts are installed. However, if your window casings are in poor condition or are rotting, you will need to use a full frame window for replacement.

Q: Is it worth it to replace windows?

While everyone needs to make their own decision based on their home and finances, in most cases, the cost to replace your windows will be well worth it. New windows tend to be much more energy efficient and will put money back in your pocket when it comes to heating and cooling bills. Industry statistics show that homeowners who replace their windows can realize an 80 percent return on their investment when they sell their home.

Q: How do you know when to replace your windows?

If you notice any damage to your windows or frames you should have them inspected by an expert to see if they can be repaired or need to be replaced. Damage can be caused by insects, water or just age. If your windows are difficult to open or will not stay open anymore you should have them inspected as they may need to be replaced. 

In general, windows have a typical lifespan of 20 to 30 years. 

Q: Should you repair or replace your windows?

In most cases, a window replacement company is going to recommend replacing windows. If you are unsure what is the best option, have a contractor come out who does both window repair and replacement to see what they recommend. In many cases, once a window reaches a certain point of deterioration, it is often cheaper to replace them than repair them.

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