Tag Archives: protection

Florida Contractors Slam AOB Measures Favoring Insurance Companies

28 Mar

Recently, the Restoration Association of Florida (RAF) responded to two bills moving through the Florida Legislature that could affect the assignment of benefits (AOB) process.  RAF stands in opposition to the bills (SB 122 and HB 7065), saying they fail to address the needs of both homeowners and contractors. RAF hosted a panel of attorneys, […]

Florida Senate, House Insurance Reform Bills Advance at DeSantis’ Prodding

19 Mar

Recently, two insurance reform bills that hope to rewrite the assignment of benefits (AOB) law made it past Senate and House subcommittee reviews. The bills could actually make it to the chamber floor for a binding vote this session. This would mark the first time in six years that a bill regarding AOB reform has […]

Thousands of Homeowners in Florida Have Drop Coverage

06 Mar

Homeowners that have a mortgage on their home are required to carry homeowners insurance in order to protect the invest their mortgage lender has made in their home but once that mortgage is paid off, homeowners are free to dump their insurance.  Unfortunately, thousands of people in Florida have made the decision to drop their […]

Update on the Assignment of Benefits (AOB) Issue in Florida

27 Feb

View of a Southwest style Florida home in the countryside. In the continuing battle over the assignment of benefits (AOB) issue in Florida, the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee recently tabled a bill (SB 122) that had been sponsored by Chairman Doug Broxson, R-Gulf Breeze. The bill was designed to limit attorney fees in AOB […]

Review of Florida’s Inflated Homeowners Insurance Claims & Costs

20 Feb

Florida legislators are looking into one-way attorney fees that have been one of the sources of inflated homeowners claims related to the Assignment of Benefits (AOB) issue that many people blame for the Sunshine States high homeowner insurance costs.  Currently, Florida is the most expensive state in the country for homeowners insurance with the average […]

Should I use my insurance for these types of repairs?

19 Feb

It’s been a tough winter in many areas across the country. In fact, at one point this winter, roughly two-thirds of Americans were in an area that was below freezing and in many cases, well below zero. This type of cold can do some serious damage to your home. Everything from cracked windows to burst […]

Recent AOB Issue Has Plagued Florida Homeowners

26 Dec

A recent study by the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.) confirms what many homeowners in the Sunshine State already know, that the assignment of benefits (AOB) issue that has plagued Florida the last few years has cost consumers billions of dollars in inflated claims cost and unnecessary litigation.  “In Florida, abuse of AOBs has fueled an […]

California Homeowners See Big Rate Increases

19 Dec
California homeowners insurance rates

California homeowners in Nevada County where the Camp Fire destroyed the town of Paradise are having a hard time finding affordable homeowners insurance. In many cases, homeowners are having trouble finding any insurance company that will cover their home after their current insurance company declined to renew their policy. Homeowners have been told that none […]

Citizens Property Insurance Corp Raises Rates

19 Dec
Citizens Property Insurance Florida

Citizens Property Insurance will be upping homeowner rates by an average of 8.2 percent for next year’s rates. This increase will affect home and condo owners as well as renters. The increase has been approved by the Board of Governors, which oversees rate increases for the state run insurer of last resort. The ongoing issue […]