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Is My Home Based Business Covered Under My Home Insurance Policy?

20 Sep
Home Based Business Insurance

Home-based businesses have grown more and more popular over the past several years. Statistics show that a new home-based business is started every 12 seconds and that there are currently 38 million of them in America. These businesses generate $427 billion every year and while working from home is a dream for many people, it […]

How do Insurers Calculate Home Insurance Premium Rates?

18 Sep
Calculating Home Insurance Premiums and Rates

Over the past decade or so, homeowners across the United States have seen a steady increase in their home insurance premium rates. The rates have risen by 36 percent across the nation from 2003 to 2010 and states such as North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Alabama have witnessed some of the sharpest spikes […]

Homeowners: Do you know your claim frequency?

12 Jul
Home Insurance Claim Frequencies

As a homeowner, it’s important to know how often claims occur. The idea that “it won’t happen to me” can become a sudden disappointment when it comes to common frequencies of home insurance claims across the country. Knowing what can happen helps you get prepared for what could happen that’s why we have listed the […]

How can the SC Safe Home Program Help Lower Insurance Prices?

14 Jun
Hurricane Hugo - September 21, 1989

The South Carolina Safe Home Program under the aegis of the South Carolina Department of Insurance provides funds to individual homeowners to help them undertake retrofitting measures that will reinforce their homes against the ravaging effects of hurricanes and tropical storms. Homeowners whose properties have insured values of less than $300,000 are eligible for these […]

Is Force-Placed Insurance On its Way Out?

03 May

A recent piece of news has had Georgia homeowners and prospective home buyers sit up and take notice. According to The New York Times, the federal and state housing regulatory have swooped down on a long-standing practice called the force-placed insurance and are toying with the idea to trim the fees that banks charge insurance […]